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Lee Snider

3 Reasons Why You SHOULD Be Able To Run

For the most part, it seems that there are two classes of humans – runners, and those who despise the very act of human locomotion. I have a very simple theory on this, but more on that later. First I’d like to offer you my three reasons why you should be able to run…

1. It’s an innate human skill

And one that our ape ancestors didn’t possess. Some believe that the development of the Glute Max is what allowed humans to stand up and to run.

I believe, that running as per our human design can actually keep not only our bio-mechanical system sharp and online, but our bio-chemical system, and all systems for that matter. The same way a car needs to be driven, we need to drive our bodies. Not just for the physical parts, but all the cooperative systems and processes. They need to be driven to keep the whole symphony of human systems, working efficiently and harmoniously.

2. Zombie apocalypse.

Always something you should be prepared for. Especially with the possibility of those World War Z zombies. They are scary fast. But seriously, running is something our ancestors did to survive. To hunt food or to run from predators. Our "emergency response program" of our nervous system, a.k.a. sympathetic, is called fight or flight. As in, we need to be able to fly if we are faced with a threat. Not saunter away while sending a text message. I think, that when the zombies come or you're faced with an actual real life threat on a dark Street, having this innate ability would definitely serve you well. In reality, I don't think we all need to be marathoners or high level sprinters. But a decent mile showing, or the ability to survive a 5k race should do just fine.

3. To play.

It seems that many of us lose interest in running or sports as we age, but we never lose our interest in playing. Yet we stop. I can think of countless times where I see a grown man, unwillingly made to run because of a game, or an impromptu race or what have you, and at the same time, see his face light up with joy, almost uncontrollably, as if having the flames of playful joy, rekindled within him. Almost as if this man has been denying himself joy through play, I think this goes the same for sports. I know I have experienced this myself after a long hiatus from a certain sport or game. Regardless, we don’t have to go play a full court game of basketball, but running is definitely a great play tool to have, for the kids or the grandkids.

Those are just my reasons to be able to run as we age. In my opinion, it’s a lost or forgotten skill for many of us. Not only do modern devices and activities not require or promote us to run, I think they also have left our bodies unable to do it without experiencing pain or discomfort. Most of us probably don’t even know it, we just get pushed away from running naturally because it doesn't feel good, almost like a defence mechanism of your body. That’s my theory on it.

I think there are many more reasons to be able to run and I think it’s never too late to start running and regain your ability to do it well. I hope you do this and that you ask for the help if you need it!

I hope this read has inspired you even 1% to make your body run again!

Thanks for reading.

Lee S.


What makes me an authority on movement?

Hi, I’m Lee. I have been in the fitness world for 12 years. I’ve undergone quite a movement transformation in this time. Not just physically, but also the way in which I see movement, in logic, and how it pertains to human movements.

My self-proclaimed authority comes from the countless hours spent observing and analyzing the movement of clients, video of “great movers’ and athletes, as well as the study of human biomechanics and my own biomechanics! It’s really my life’s work thus far.

I merely offer you my best opinion based on all of this and hope to inspire you to find your best version of the movement that brings you joy!

Other ways I can inspire your best movement:

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